I think I am starting to sound like a broken record. People ask me all the time "how is SHE doing?" (meaning Little T). The
Truth is... she's doing really well! I am extremely blessed to have such a happy little girl on my hands (enter knock on wood HERE!).
Sometimes I think I am going to jinx myself. I hate to admit it, but I *AM*
superstitious. I really, really hate
admitting that. I don't even read emails if I think they are "chain" type letters. Seriously. I delete them. Don't send them to me... I'll start thinking nasty thoughts about you! Just kidding -- but don't send them to me :)
But back to the jinxing. I am sure that there will be issues to come. And no, she's NOT perfect. She's two. Two year
olds regardless of birth country, and living situation are a handful and she's no exception. I need to be more patient with her as she continues to learn her boundaries. And like many two year
olds she whines when she's not getting what she wants (and has a meltdown when it's time to come in off her new swing! More to come on that later!) But she's honestly a JOY.
I am greeted in the morning with giggles and I get a "hi!" anytime I open the car door to get her out of her car seat. And she just wants to be with me and play which she reminds me of if I am not giving her the appropriate level of attention. Sometimes I think "OH! Just let me finish making dinner" (or whatever) and then I think - wow! This girl just wants to be with her mom - what a HUGE step for her.
Her smile will melt your heart. When we eat out she likes to say hi to everyone, smile at them and wave. And if she sees someone leaving -- "bye bye" is headed their way. She's a GOOD girl!
My friend Tamara and I were talking and have identified 3 common "baby home" personalities. We are armchair "experts" of course
hahaha! But it's an interesting topic - so I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts. The 3 common personalities we saw were:
The "Introvert": Categorized by the super shy child who when faced with any variety of stressful situation tends to draw into him/herself. Not ALWAYS shy, but to the "public" appears quiet, shy and somewhat withdrawn.
The "Charmer": This child tends to smile, giggle and laugh a lot to please those around him/her. Their dynamic personality probably got them what they wanted in the baby home and it follows them now too.
The "Town Crier": Learned that tears got a reaction and usually a quick one in the baby home - so this child uses their tears to get what they want. Not always crying - but knows the response.
T is a combination of a "Charmer" and a "Town Crier". Back in Vladivostok she was more of the crier - but she's also learning the ways of charming people as well!! For those of you who have adopted internationally, let me know if you saw this as well!