Thursday, May 14, 2009

Non-Puke Related Post

I swear I won't talk about puke this time... other than to mention that T seems fine. No remaining effects of last night's "incident".

She's totally enthralled with the "ABC" song these days. It's a sure fire way to get her to settle down for a minute. She tries to sing it back -- but it's all A's and C's right now. She's also loving counting to 5 - but her version is "2" and "5" and that's it.

Tatiana also wanted me to tell you all "LET'S GO RED WINGS". After all, she's Russian, hockey is in her blood, right?

Let's Go Red Wings!!!!
Playing at cousin Mary's birthday party


Laura and Paul Knight said...

So glad she's feeling good! I LOVED when Alexander was learning his abc's and counting to 10. If you can, see if you can record her sometime doing it. Alexander is now up to around 150 and I wish I had his little voice on tape struggling with 5 :)

Unknown said...

I'm glad T is feeling better. While working on her numbers please ask her to count the number of words below.


Of course she will cheer for us as we have the Russian Golie!

LOL...its gonna be a great series

Roger and Joanne said...

You can already see her happens so fast. My family are huge hockey fans. Buffalo sabres to be more exact, but I'm neutral. GO Red Wings!

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