Sunday, January 10, 2010

Walkin’ In A Winter Wonderland

Finally – some snow!  I can’t believe that I am saying that when living in Michigan, but really we haven’t had much snow this year.  I have been watching everyone MUCH further south of me talk about snow and cold… and while ya’ll can KEEP the cold, you need a LITTLE snow in the winter.  It helps distract from the fact that everything is essentially dead or hibernating!  Mind you, come mid February, I’ll be crying for winter to be over!

Tati and I went out to enjoy the snowy backyard.   We actually have more snow than I thought we had.  It snowed here Thursday and Friday and now we probably have close to a foot.  It’s the fluffy, white, powdery stuff – VERY pretty.  IMG_2507                        I love it when the snow sticks to the trees!  Just gorgeous!

I wasn’t sure how she’d do – in the past when we’ve come home and I wanted to stay outside and shovel off the driveway etc, she wanted to  have NO part of that plan.  She doesn’t like to keep her mittens on, so very quickly her hands are cold, cold, cold.   But we had a chat about keeping her mittens on and she did until one fell off as we were on our way inside. 

On top of mitten issues it was about 10 degrees here this morning – so I knew we wouldn’t last long.  We did some sledding, some general playing in the snow – and she of course, wanted to swing.   It’s rather hard with pants, snow pants, turtleneck, hoodie, and coat on to get the right movements for swinging… so much to her dismay, the swinging did not last long. 

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My “other” children – the furry ones, have noticed that since Tatiana has been home, they haven’t gotten nearly the blog press time that they used to get.  They wanted you all to know that they are doing well, actually like Tatiana more than they thought they would and are silently planning an overthrowing of the blog.  Here’s some pictures of them enjoying the lazy winter….

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As you may notice, Gracie is an equal opportunity snuggler…

Stay warm, blogger friends! 


Lindsay said...

Love that cute red nose! Your snow looks very pretty.

Jeanette said...

Love the snow pictures!!! So cute :)

dgporter said...

Beautiful girl in the beautiful snow. Great pics.

Kimberly said...

Amy, fantastic pictures!! It has been snowing here for 3 days and we can still see the grass! :)

Roger and Joanne said...

Beautiful snow pics! You two are brave--10 degrees is COLD! Yes, it's so frustrating these little ones won't keep their mittens on. Don't they get how cold their fingers get???

findingourdaughter said...

Awwww, love the snow photos! And she is so precious in that pink snowsuit.....LOVE IT!
Miss y'all so much! Just six more weeks!!!
Hugs and love from FL

Troy and Rachel said...

Great pics and she looks great in that pink snowsuit and on the bright blue sled!! Enjoy!

Shelly and Steve said...

Adorable! Love the pink snow clothes. It does look so pretty and fun, wish we'd get some snow in our local mtns so our kids could experience some of that this year!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

She is so adorable in that pink snowsuit! Looks cold....

It finally warmed up to the 40's around here and finally things are melting. It is so nice to see the road again when I drive.

Maybe if T gets a haircut, she could send some of her clippings to Maria...I don't know when that girl's hair is going to come in! ha. Soon. Hopefully.