Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009 – A Year In Review

I have really enjoyed reading everyone’s recap of 2009, so I thought I’d try to recap my crazy year as well.  I am also testing out the Windows Live Writer that Barb, Kristine and Becky have been raving about… so here goes!  (So far – mama likes!)

January 2009:   A rough month – honestly.  I had journeyed to Vladivostok, Russia in Oct 2008 and knew that it likely would be 2009 when I returned.  However, going into the Christmas holidays with no major updates on a court date meant that 1/2 of January would pass with no trip news.  We had a HUGE storm around New Years – that I only remembered by glancing back at my photo archives.  Which reminds me … one of my New Years Resolutions is to organize all my photos better AND keep up with it!  If the computer were to crash… oh, let’s not even think about it.

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February 2009:   I woke to crazy “crop” circles in the snow in my backyard in February and realized it was just the deer having a big party in my honor.  What were they celebrating?  On 2/9/09 I received news that I had a court date!  The big day was set for 3/10/09.   Because of the timing, I ended up having to cancel some plans to meet some friends in Florida during the Lighthouse Florida gathering (my adoption agency), but all was not lost, we all met in Michigan in August!  Most of the rest of the month was spent biting my nails, being overly excited, preparing the house and packing.  It was a great diversion from loosing my 16 year old gorgeous Himalayan cat, Murphy, who was truly family.

March 2009:  The big month.  Well really only a handful of days were monumental.  March 5th – left for Russia; March 8th – saw Little T again for the first time since her 2nd birthday; March 10th – court! and March 20th – Tatiana got sprung from her baby home!  The rest of the time was spent hanging with cool folks in the Vlad Motor Inn – my props to Rhonda, Lisa & Andrew, Jeanette, Daniela & Chris, Alex & Jason et all for keeping me sane.  Err at least partially sane.  We left Vladivostok on 3/28 and arrived home safely in the US on 3/29!HuhIMG_7429

Previously un-published pictures from the arrival home! 

April 2009:   Spent most of the month getting the little Russian princess adjusted to her new home and life.  Eased back into work and T started daycare.  Tatiana had her first Easter in the US!  IMG_0383 

May 2009:  More adjustment time.  The weather started to get decent so T was able to spend more and more time outside which was so good for her.  She lost her pasty white baby home skin and started transforming into a normal American kid!  Someone got a massive play set in the backyard…IMG_0582 While we had some rough moments… all in all, she was adjusting really well!  A mama couldn’t be more lucky.   We also adopted another kitty from the local shelter.  Casey (aka New-New) was a great addition!  Gramma and Grampa Repp visited from Florida.

June & July 2009 :  A lot happened these two months, yet nothing happened.  We spent the summer around the house mostly, with a couple visitors in and out.  (Joy!)  We swam in the pool (the activity we cannot speak of – for she loves it so much and would like to live in a pool), went to July 4th parades, fireworks and otherwise had a grand time!

IMG_1285 Tati HeartBirthday Photo 1 IMG_1466 

August 2009:  Busy summer continues!  We visited my Aunt Barb for a giant family reunion (Tatiana’s first night away from home or Grammas' house!), we went to the big Lighthouse Michigan gathering and had much excitement around our town (double murder AND a trip to the Little League World Series!). IMG_7647  IMG_7741

September 2009:  Sheesh, isn’t this year over yet?  Or at least this review!  Mama turned 39.  We went to court to file a Delayed Registration of Foreign Birth – and Little Miss T got a US birth certificate! 

IMG_7924 Waiting outside the courtroom for our turn

October 2009:  A bunch of firsts!  Tatiana went to a Pumpkin Patch/Apple Orchard, turned 3 AND had her first Halloween!  We celebrated her birthday AND the anniversary of our first meetingIMG_1798IMG_1958IMG_1818 DSC_0058Picture 052

November 2009:   The holidays were upon us!  Tati celebrated her first Thanksgiving with a giant family celebration in true Clarkson Family tradition (over 60 people!). 

IMG_2173 Making Pumpkin bread

December 2009:  Tati’s first airplane trip since coming home – a trip to Florida to see Gramma and Grampa Repp.  Followed by her first US Christmas (and likely first celebration of the holiday!) and a great week and a half home with mom.  She’s still asking if we can do more presents… ha-ha!

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That’s about it folks!    Thanks to all of you for helping make 2009 such a great year.  One of my other resolutions was to bring my blog to the next level – thanks for your help!   I did make another change and am no longer allowing anonymous comments.  Too much spam.  And to whoever left a message that my recent “articles” are better than older ones… thanks for the compliment – however, this is really a way that I have captured my feelings/emotions and experiences during this crazy ride.  They aren’t articles!  I am glad you are enjoying reading – and yes, I’ll try to keep up the creativity.


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I love it all...and especially the header! Great job Amy!!! Little T is SO precious.

Troy and Rachel said...

Hey great post about 2009 - a very busy year for you indeed!!

I think I need to try out the windows live writer - I may be emailing you for help on that one - posting pics with blogger is a pain anymore!

I have great "articles" too on my blog - weird because they post on posts 2 years ago. Duh!!

Anyway - T has grown so much and she is just as precious as ever! Happy 2010!!!

Becky and Keith said...

Love the recap! The change in T in just one year is AMAZING! One downside of Live Writer that I'll post about is that I think it compresses photos, SO if you plan on printing your blog in a book you have to print tiny pictures because of the quality. I'm trying to play with it on my test blog a bit more to see if I can find out the perfect photo size for uploading via live writer and printing in a blog book. Stay tuned!

Gloria said...

Love your recap! Glad your 2009 was good! We had a pretty good one also!

Jeannie and Freddy said...

Amazing recap! What an Amazing year! Betcha they get even better..wink*

Roger and Joanne said...

Beautiful account of 2009. Wonderful idea! Hope 2010 will bring even more precious memories.