Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Home Study is.... SOUP

Since today is Father's Day, I thought I'd use on of my father's favorite sayings to honor my home study! If something is "done" it's "SOUP". So... my home study is SOUP!!

Kassie, my social worker, came up today for my 2nd visit. That combined with the phone interview we've done - it's all set and waiting to be notarized! My fingerprints should be finalized early this week and it's history!

From here, we get a bunch of notarized copies and send them off with a) i-600a form to the govt. and b) Vladivostok with my first dossier to Russia! I spent the early part of the weekend gathering and signing all the needed documents for the Vladivostok (or Vladi as Rhonda now refers to it). Everything is printed and ready to go including the picture files they require. They want to see pictures of the family (or in this case - me!), the car, my house: inside/outside front and back, including the babies future room, even if it's not ready. Which, needless to say, mine is NOT.

That's the other kicker -- I am trying not to get TOO far ahead of myself. It's the old jinx fear factor. Call me crazy (it won't be the first time), I know - but it's my weird fear. And I am not the only one. Lorien at Lighthouse told me when she adopted her daughter, she finally broke down one weekend and painted the bedroom - and wham, the next day she found out she had a 3 month delay! SEE....

So that's the news of the day. Happy Father's Day to all you father's out there (including mine!).


Tamara said...

Amy - YEA for you! Celebrate each milestone along the way. It will make the journey more fun. I also celebrate all my friend's milestones as well. So .. I anxiously await celebrating your next milestone - your dossier going to Russia. Take care, Tamara

Charlotte in Pa said...

Congrats! One step closer....

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Glad to hear you're making such good progress!