Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Call To Action (Yes! You, too!)

A few weeks back, my friend Holly, another Lighthouse "Grad" posted this link on Facebook. Click me!

In a nutshell, there is some talk in Congress of severely limiting the current tax credits available for adoption. This plan would take the credit down from approximately $12K now to $5 after 2010. YIPES! The link walks you through a suggested call to action. It's simple, really - send a note to your Senators and Representatives. They even practically write the letter FOR you!

I know I am preaching to the choir to a majority of the people who read my blog. But for those of you who haven't adopted (or haven't adopted YET!) you may not be aware that most families/people that adopt honestly spend around $50K. Yes, you read that right. FIVE OH THOUSAND $$. Reducing this tax credit will knock out a LOT of families who could adopt children in the future.

Seriously. Look at this face and think about having to say NO because you simply can't afford it. I sent my letters this weekend, complete with picture.


Laura said...

Amy: You're spot on with the $$ amount (even can be more...). The only thing standing between us and giving another child a loving family and home is $$$. It really stinks.

Thanks for the link. And oh, what a cutie!

~Laura :)

Cindy said...

Amy--thank you for the link. I will definitely write a letter and will ask my friends and family. People cannot believe when I tell them that the adoption cost $50K, but it definitely did! I would love a second, but I may be in the same boat as Laura--just to much $$ to do again. It shouldn't be.

Anonymous said...

Yea Amy;
I'm sending my letter, as I'm a grandmother to a precious little boy from Russia, and hope to get more in the future.
Your right on about the cost....
Bradyn Lee's Oomba/Grandmother

Over-Caffeinated said...

I'm sending my letter, thanks for posting this!

Joy said...

I will send one out too unless he has been arrested too!

Sarah said...

Hey Amy!
We are planning on the picnic. Can't wait to meet you and Tatiana in person!

Rich and Jolynn said...

This is a great post. I think I will type up some letters for the family so all they need to do is just sign it. Can I link to this also on our blog?

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Thank you for posting this and for being on top of things.

Kim said...

Right on! I am off to email my (stupid) Senator now. :)

Troy and Rachel said...

Oh wow - well, I just called yesterday about two pieces of legislation to make adoptions easeier and hopefully gained support from my congressmen. We really need to do these things and be heard - good for you!