Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oh That's Right! She's TWO!

Tatiana must really be settling in - as more and more signs of a typical two year old's behavior keep creeping in!! The latest (and latest least favorite) is my good friend "defiance" aka "ignore mama". She'll be doing something not allowed such as standing on the couch preparing to jump off - and I'll ask her to sit down. Instead of listening, like she USED to, she just looks at me and laughs. Yes, it's a test. Please let me pass this one. I didn't study!!!

Tonight at dinner she made me laugh so hard. Which I know is not necessarily recommended when you are trying to be stern. Gramma was here -- which means "show off because now I have an audience of two". She kept asking for a drink from gramma's cup and was told she had to finish her milk first. I believe the words were "make it all gone". Bad words. T decided to make it all gone by dumping it out on her high chair tray. She was caught mid-stream by gramma and while some milk was spilled... it was not the WHOLE cup. Just a second later while gramma and I were discussing this - she attempted to dump it again. I quickly verbally said "uh uh" as in no. T, being the sensitive soul that she is, looked like a wounded bird and the tears (crocodile) starting flowing. She pointed to herself MANY times and said "baby". As in - mama don't you EVER scold the baby. Man did she give me the business for this offense! I literally had to bite into my corn and put my head down because I was laughing so hard. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT SCOLD THE BABY!! Hysterical.

In other news... I returned home last Wednesday eve from a quick trip up north for work. To my dismay, I was greeted in the front hallway with another feline present. This time a DEAD BAT. Yes, you read that correctly. A DEAD BAT. I disposed of the nasty rat with wings and quickly made appointments for the next morning at the vet for Rabies boosters (follow up shots to the original!). Casey (aka Patient X for her LONG list of maladies after her spay surgery) ended up getting a distemper booster that she needed as well and in true Casey fashion - had an allergic reaction that ended us BACK up at the vet on Friday am as well. Sheesh. The weekend passed by uneventfully and with crud weather. On Monday morning around 10am, Batman's brother (or sister) returned for it's revenge. Oh great, now a LIVE bat in the house. Seriously? That makes the count (for those of you keeping track) 5 mice and 2 bats. I played baseball in my living room with the bat, as the ball and a broom as the bat - how's that for irony? I am happy to report that I WON. I had the rodent patrol man here today - a great guy who doesn't live too far from me - and thankfully he couldn't find any sign of them in the house. Aside from ONE tiny little piece of bat droppings... probably from Batman or Robin... there was no sign. He thinks they may have come in through the furnace pipe/chimney so he put a screen cover over the top of that. Please say a couple extra prayers for no more bats in the house...

We also went to a rally to greet the cities Girl's Little League team home from the World Series. How seriously cool is that? 10 and 11 year olds from a tiny town of 5000 went to the World Series and -- oh yeah -- took 3rd place! Not too shabby!! Go Girls! Yea!
Waiting in the gym for the Girls to get home!!


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I love that T scolded you for scolding her! That is a hoot. You have your hands full Momma. She is so cute!

Lindsay said...

Ahhh... the glorious world of the two year old.

Welcome :)

Barb said...

Amy, Amy. Amy . . . don't EVER scold the baby! That was TOO funny! And I was gonna say, "A dead bat is better than a live bat", but then you ended up with one of those too! Poor you! I totally GET how creepy it is to have bats inside . . . reminds me of something that happened this summer (I should post about it).

Bill and Michelle Curran said...

Okay - THAT is funny. Reminds me when my Grandmothers cat brought in a rat from outside and chaos followed!!!

T looks different - her hair is lighter???

Nichole said...

Oh, I feel your pain!!! Mine isn't even 2 yet. Yikes!!! They know just how to push our buttons! I guess that at least means they must be pretty smart. T is adorable and looking like she is getting older.

findingourdaughter said...

So you already got your bats for Halloween....so much for no early decorating, LOL! No joke, I would have been WAY freaked out too! Welcome to the world of terrible 2's.....and it may last longer than a year, or 2 or 3.....ha, ha.
Tati's hair looks so cute....in the photo it resembles a Jennifer Aniston shag.
How dare you scold the baby, Momma? The good thing is she knows she is #1 with you and THAT is great!

Roger and Joanne said...

That's funny! Niko is 2 1/2 now but hasn't come up with that yet. He just wimpers when I scold HIM for 30 seconds and he's on to the next thing--he's not supposed to do. :-)
It's all good cause in the orphanage I don't think these personalities came out, and I'm so happy to see them emerge (well...not in the moment!)
Gosh...I hope your bat sightings will be no more!

The C. Crew said...

T looks so cute. Her hair has lightened up so much.
Sounds like things are going great Amy!

Over-Caffeinated said...

If the bats come back, you can try a favorite trick that my boys LOVE... it's great summertime fun. You take a tennis ball, wrap it in tin foil and throw it in the air. The bat will follow it to the ground! :) Hours of fun.

The story about the baby is a riot! Please don't tell Meg, that's ONE that she hasn't tried yet, but believe me, the drama only multiplies! :)

Troy and Rachel said...

Oh yes - Daniel still ignores me at his choosing and I find myself yelling NOW! alot because otherwise he just goes about his business - I was told yesterday that he was "busy". Seriously! T sounds like a very normal 2 year old!

Glad you won the game with the bat - I was stitches over that one!


Yes, choose your words carfully with a 2 year old! I once asked Delaney to bring me her hamper while sorting laundry. She did...just the hamper, no clothes! Guess I should been more specific!
T is a HOOT!!! And looking so grown up!!!

Jeannie and Freddy said...

She's just getting prettier & prettier by the minute!