The dog ate my blog post. Wait. I don’t have a dog. My brother’s uncle’s sister’s father’s cousin died. Hmmm – that can’t be right either, I am an only child. I haven’t had any electricity for the past month. Nah, still doesn’t work – too many of you know I have been on facebook. Plum out of excuses here! So I guess the truth will have to suffice… the weather has been just too darn nice to be inside blogging. I seriously don’t know how you southerner’s do it – the whole nice weather year round. I don’t think I’d ever get a thing done!
So… what have we been up to since my last posting?
Memorial Day: Seems like eons ago, yet this summer has been FLYING by! Memorial Day was gorgeous up here, 3 days of great weather, and so Tatiana and I LIVED at the pool. Our pool is a private pool that 10 families own a share of – T and I being one of those 10 families. Before T, I was typically pastey-white girl in the summer, but Memorial Day started me on a nice base for the year. I haven’t blinded any small children this year, thankfully. We went to TWO parades, a pancake breakfast and generally enjoyed the great weather, family, friends and cooking out!
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Off to Work I Go: Work has been crazy busy, with one super week from h-e-double hockey sticks. I was to have 4 contracted sales pros (and one counter part) into Lansing, MI to help me work with my distributor there. The weekend before the event was to kick off on a Monday afternoon, I still had NOT received any of the names of these “pros”. On Monday, when the team was supposed to meet me in Lansing for training @ 2:30pm, and no one showed up, it wasn’t a pretty sight. Needless to say, I enjoyed a very large margarita that evening. (The beer wasn’t mine – it’s a point of reference for size!)
Play Fair: Croswell’s annual fair came to town in June. With T’s huge love of animals (and yet, fears of animals at the same time!), this was a HUGE event. We saw LOTS of cool animals: there were some babies that had just been born & Tatiana got to feed some goats; rode some rides: bouncy castle, carousel, the train and the cars were the most popular; and ate food that would only be considered good AT the fair! We had so much fun, we had to go twice!
Top Gun: On top of being busy at home for work, we also had our National Meeting in San Diego, CA. A gorgeous location, and a fun meeting. Lots of fun new product on the horizon! Full days of meetings are ALWAYS hard on a sales rep. Since we rarely sit still for a whole day, it’s hard to keep our attention. But it wasn’t all work and no play, the night before we left to go home, we had a special treat of being able to spend the evening out at Miramar US Marine Base (aka where “Top Gun” was to have taken place). My friend Kellie and I decided that no matter who you are – that place was COOL! I also divulged a secret to Kellie while we were sitting in a Marine helicopter – I always want to walk up to military personnel and say thank you whenever I see them. But I can’t. I start tearing up and generally look like a giant fool. Kellie admitted she has the same problem!
Kellie (holding my wine) on one of the helicopters
The “Other Tatiana’s” Birthday Party: Tia, Tati’s Russian friend, turned 4 and we went to her house to help celebrate her big day! More swimming and playing ensued. Fun was had by all!
Tati’s 2nd 4th of July: My little American citizen celebrated her Independence Day with a long (and loud), hot, parade. We watched fireworks (far, far away so they weren’t too loud!) and played with sparklers. Miss Suddenly Brave didn’t appreciate that mama wasn’t ready to let her run loose with a sparkler. Once again, Mother Nature blessed us and the weather was FAB-U-LOUS. Other than the parade and fireworks, we spent the rest of the weekend AT THE POOL. Big surprise at this stage huh?
Swimmin’: A note on the pool… last summer, after getting over her initial fear of the water, Tati became a little fish. We started swimming lessons over the winter so that if anything ever happened and the little Miss found herself in water with no floaties – she’d know the basics of swimming. At this stage she does NOT need the floaties any longer and is an great swimmer. She tends to freak out the other mom’s at swimming lessons – partially because she looks smaller than she is but also because she’s so good! Her only hiccup in the beginning was to remember to come up and breathe – but now she’s breathes like a pro!
Pull-Up Free: I hesitate to say this/post this out loud/in the public eye. I am afraid it will jinx me. Basically since around the beginning of May, we’ve been using the potty FULL time. An occasional accident will appear rarely, but for the most part we have moved on! She still wears a pull up at bedtime, but that’s it! The big draw for her was pre-school! To go to school next year, like her bigger cousin, Riley – she had to be potty trained. Yahoo! Just don’t ask me why her shorts are on her head…
So that’s the summer update so far. We’re having a blast and gearing up for even more fun and busy weekends. Hope you are all enjoying your summer as well.
She's getting so big and looks so amazingly happy! Great job, Amy!! And congrats on the potty training, I'm so not looking forward to that!
I love the July 4th outfit/ribbon!
You all have been busy--glad the weather has been so nice!
Great pictures!!! T looks so mature now!
Wow! I think she has grown a whole bunch in the month you were "gone". I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOOOVE her hair in pig-tails. What a dolly!!!
Oh and for the record I too have the same problem with thanking military personnel! and I grew up on an army base all my life. It's a woman thing.
So glad to see an update! T is so beautiful. Now you will have to get someone to get you in some photos. :0)
Beautiful pictures! Looks like your guys are having a great time!!!!
Yay for the update!! So glad you've enjoyed such great weather! Beautiful pics too!! T is as adorable as ever!
BTW - I bet Daniel would know why T's shorts are on her head in the one photo. I have no idea myself, but I'm betting it's the same reason that in 100 degree weather Daniel inisted on wearing his winter hat with the ear covers tied under his chin when we went out earlier today!!
Wow -- great mega post! Incredible to see how (dare I say it...) mature looking Tati is getting! How can we bottle up their little girliness and keep it around a bit longer?
Enjoy your summer!
Amy - All around a great post. I love the pictures from the sales meeting. I totally missed out:(
I CANNOT believe how big Tatiana has gotten. She is just the cutest little girl.
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